Support for CC/BCC when sending email notifications
Civica Learning has been enhanced to allow Global administrators to configure email templates to automatically CC or BCC emails to other users on the system. This can be configured for both system-level and item-level email templates.
On a per email template basis, Global administrators can specify CC's and BCCs to individual lms users, or use properties associated with a learner, to identify who should receive emails in addition to the learner. For example, an email template might be configured to email the L&D Director (a specific individual), plus the learner's Team Leader, specified on a per user basis via a Team Leader profile field.
For more information on using CC's and BCC's with email templates, please see the Explained: Notification templates article.
User / Group / OU pickers - updated format
We've updated the format of several picker fields in the Administration portal, to make it much easier to identify the currently selected set of users, groups or organisational units (OUs), and to quickly remove unwanted items from the selected set. An example of this is on the catalogue item, Properties page, where in the Target Users, My Learning and Catalogue fields, the selected users, groups and OUs, are displayed as items with associated controls, that allow them to be easily deleted.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes.
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