Reporting Updates
Inline with our ongoing updates and improvements to the reporting functionality provided by the platform, we have now made a change to how the cohorts that are included in reports are derived.
Previously, when a Global administrator or a Reporter generated a content related report, or defined a report template, they specified the cohorts of users that should be included in the report as part of the report configuration. However, the selected cohorts were then filtered based on the set of users targeted at the selected content item(s). The resulting report included a subset of the users selected by the adminstrator. This often lead to confusion, as the users that appeared in the report did not match the set of users selected by the administrator.
A further side effect of the previous behaviour, related to where the targeting for a content item changed. Users that had previously completed a content item, but were no-longer targeted at the item, were not included in the report. Again, this often lead to confusion and support queries.
To remove this source of confusion and to make it clearer which users will be included in a report, we have removed the additional filtering that is associated with content targeting. The users included in a report now exactly match the cohorts selected on the Report generator page or within a report template.
Since the reports no-longer include targeting information, we have removed the Only include users targeted via My Learning option, that was previously available on the Content status report and the Non-completion report.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes.
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