Certification enhancements
A variety of enhancements have been made to the certifications feature. The changes include:
- An updated certifications area
- The ability for an admin to award a certificate to a user (manual award)
- The ability for an admin to delete a previously awarded certificate
- A new Certification administrator role
- A Certifications report
Please see the associated documents in the Features explained and How To sections for more details.
Friendly email name support
The LMS now allows friendly/display names to be associated with the systems configured From email address. By default, the Agylia LMS sends emails from donotreply@agylialms.com, which is now configured to use the friendly/display name 'Agylia'.
The image below shows how this change is displayed when viewed in Outlook (the change is similar in other email clients).
Where customers have customised their From email address, and would like to associate this with a friendly name, please contact the Agylia support team.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes.
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