The Catalogue is where content on your Civica learning, including Files, Courses, Web links, Events, Tasks and Curricula are created, uploaded and managed.
The Catalogue page displays a list of all content items on the lms, showing information including the items type, title, description and creation date. Selecting an item, opens the content item's Properties page.
As a Global administrator or Content administrator, you see all content that is available on Civica Learning, however content administrators can only make changes (other than targeting), to items for which they have Content Owner permissions.
Finding content items
The Catalogue page lists the first 100 items of content on your lms, based on your currently defined filters. However, if you scroll down the page, the information for additional items is loaded automatically, up to a maximum of 5,000 displayed items.
In the SEARCH section, you can search and filter by:
- Searching using part, or all, of the content items title.
- Specifying a category (by default content associated with all categories is displayed).
- Specifying the type of the item you wish to view. The types listed in the drop down menu will vary, depending on the types of content you have available on your lms, but will typically show the types shown below:
By default, content is listed by creation date, with the latest items added to the lms, appearing at the top of the list. You can change the sort order of the listed catalogue items, in either ascending or descending order, by the following properties:
- Title
- Created (the items creation date)
- Modified (the items last modified date)
- Type
- Priority
Adding content items
The Catalogue page allows global administrator or content administrators to add content to the lms. Options are available in the ACTIONS pane to add all of the supported content types:
Please see the relevant articles in the How To | Catalogue section of the Help Desk, for details on how to add each of the content types shown above.
Importing web links
The Catalogue page allows global administrators to create web link content items on Civica Learning, by importing their definitions from a CSV file, using the Import web links option. The imported CSV file contains the following information for each web link:
- External reference. The external reference for the web link (optional).
- Name. The title for the web link.
- Description. The description for the web link.
- Priority. The Content priority for the web link.
- URL. The fully defined URL of the web link (e.g.
- Category. The name of a category the web link should be tagged with. Add multiple Category columns, one for each required categories.
- Catalogue:group. The group name that the web link should be targeted at via the Catalogue. Add multiple Catalogue:group columns, one for each required group.
- My learning:group. The group name that the web link should be targeted at via My Learning. Add multiple My learning:group columns, one for each required group.
Importing enrolments
The Catalogue page allows global administrators or content administrators to batch enrol individual learners using the ACTIONS | Import enrolments option. Please see the How To: Batch enrol users article for further details on batch enrolling learners.
Importing catalogue updates
The Catalogue page allows global administrators to import updates to the catalogue. The import is specified as a CSV file, which contains the following information for all items that will be updated:
Internal reference. The content item internal reference (as defined on the system).
External reference. The content item external reference (if defined).
- Name. The content item titles.
- Description. The content item description (if defined).
- Priority. The content item priority.
Enrolment mode. The enrolment mode for the content item with the following possible values (i.e. the permitted enrolment states):
Not configured
- Enrolment required with no approval
- Enrolment required with approval by a designated approver
- Enrolment required with approval by the learner's assigned approver
- Enrolment required with admin approval
- Enrolment required with no self-enrolment
CPD learning hours. The learning hours associated with the item.
CPD points. The CPD points associated with the item.
Category. The name of a category the web link should be tagged with. Add multiple Category columns, one for each required categories.
Catalogue:group. The group name that the web link should be targeted at via the Catalogue. Add multiple Catalogue:group columns, one for each required group.
My learning:group. The group name that the web link should be targeted at via My Learning. Add multiple My learning:group columns, one for each required group.
When importing the CSV file, the import can be used to import catalogue item property updates, catalogue item targeting, or both property and targeting updates in the same operation. Targeting to individual users on content items, can also be removed as part of the Import catalogue updates process.
Exporting catalogue information
The Catalogue page allows global administrators to export a summary of the catalogue, using the Export catalogue option. The export is created and the admin receives an email with a link to download the summary as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the following information for all items in the catalogue:
- External reference. The content item external reference (if defined).
- Name. The content item titles.
- Description. The content item description (if defined).
- Type. The content item type.
- Created on. The content item creation date.
- Priority. The content item priority.
- Enrolment count. The number of enrolments for the content item.
- Access count. The number of time the content item has been accessed.
- Rating mean. The mean of all ratings for the content item.
- Rating count. The total number of ratings for the content item.
- Explained: Attempts and attempt history
- Explained: Curricula
- Explained: Content attachments
- Explained: Content targeting
- Explained: Content item owner(s)
- Explained: Mastery scores, completed, passed and failed states
- Explained: Tasks and action based learning
- Explained: Supported content types
- How To: Create and assign a task
- How To: Create and publish a curriculum
- How To: Create and publish a web link
- How To: Upload and publish a podcast
- How To: Upload and publish a video
- How To: Format content descriptions with markdown
- How To: Manage content attachments
- How To: Replace a content item
- How To: Create a learner portal launch link
- How To: Batch enrol users
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