What is action based learning?
Civica supports the concept of action based learning. This enables you to take learning out to the workplace and have learners demonstrate their learning and knowledge acquisition by performing actionable tasks and recording other independent learning activities that they can perform outside of the Civica Learning platform.
Two of the key features which support action based learning are:
- The ability to publish tasks. These are centrally published activities that the learner must complete and submit for review and assessment.
- The ability to record independent learning activities. These are learning related activities that are performed by learners independently, for example, they are not published by the platform.
What are tasks?
A Task is a catalogue item that shares many of the same characteristics as other catalogue items. They have titles, descriptions, thumbnail images, can be assigned to learners, can be included in curricula and so on.
Typically tasks might include:
- Entering some simple text, to demonstrate the required knowledge for the task, e.g. providing a description of a required behaviour.
- Writing and submitting an essay.
- Conducting a piece of research and submitting findings.
- Recording a presentation to demonstrate recently acquired skills.
Tasks also:
- Enable learners to enter a textual response for a task.
- Enable files to be attached by the administrator for the learner to read, perhaps as background preparation for completing the task.
- Enable files to be attached by the learner to provide evidence of task completion, for example an essay or presentation recording (note that evidence file uploads are limiuted to maximum file size of 10MB).
- Enable previously completed Independent Learning Activities (ILAs) to be referenced as evidence of task completion.
- Support comments, so that the learner and administrator or task approver can have a question and answer conversation related to the task.
- Support an approval workflow, where a learner can submit a task for approval prior to it being considered complete.
How are tasks approved?
To support the task submission process, you can configure an approval workflow. With approvals configured, whenever a learner submits their work in order to complete a task, their submission must be approved before it is considered complete. For more information about the approval process in general, see Explained: Approvals and the approval process.
When a learner submits their work for this task, the approver will be notified about the request and the learner will receive a notification to say that their task submission is pending approval. Only when the task submission request is approved will the learner's task be completed. The learner will be notified via email when their task submission has been approved or rejected.
Note that the approver may add a comment to state the reason why the task has been rejected. This comment is visible to the learner when they next view the task. If required, they can continue the comment exchange by adding further comments and questions for the approver.
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