You can use Civica curricula to build learning pathways or blended learning courses consisting of different combinations of online and classroom based training. You can also use a curriculum as a simple container for online resources.
Curricula enable content related to a topic to be grouped together, but more importantly, the content can be sequenced, with rules defined to control how the learner navigates through the content.
For example, learners might be required to complete each item in a curriculum sequentially, where they cannot start the next item until the previous item has been completed. Alternatively, this could be extended to force users to pass each course that includes an assessment, before later content in the curriculum becomes available.
Each curriculum can itself contain other curricula, enabling more complex learning pathways to be delivered to learners, and making the administration of the associated learning elements simpler.
Rules governing the structure and behaviour of curricula are configured by an lms administrator. For more information on creating and publishing curricula, see How To: Create and publish a curriculum.
Curricula sequencing
You can enforce the sequence with which learners can consume content within a curriculum, or you can enable learners to access content in any order. More sophisticated rules can also be established, for example, if you want learners to complete say one from three introductory modules before being able to proceed to the next module.
The available settings to control Curriculum order are as follows:
- Any order. Choose this option if you want learners to view the content in any order. This option is appropriate if you are using the curriculum as a simple container for resources.
- In sequence. Choose this option if you want learners to view the content in sequence, top to bottom. Subsequent content is locked and learners cannot open it until preceding content is either completed or passed. This option is appropriate if you are using the curriculum to create a learning pathway.
- Custom order. Choose this option if you want to apply more customised sequencing rules, for example, to enforce that learners take one from three introductory modules before being able to move on, or for example, if you want learners to pass one module before being able to open the next.
Curricula display
The Web learner portal provides a graphical view of a curriculum, as shown in the simple sequential example below:
The learner progresses down the page, as they complete items, with a 'tube map' style line down the edge of the curriculum showing the learners progress and status. The line uses the following colours to represent status:
- Green indicates a complete item.
- Grey indicates an item that the learner can access.
- Red indicates an item which is locked.
In addition to the status line, as with other content items in the standard catalogue, each item displays its status (Complete, Passed, Failed, In progress or Not started), and whether the item is locked. A padlock symbol indicates an item is locked. The learner can click on the padlock to display what items they need to complete to unlock the item, as shown below.
Curricula completion
The user’s progress through the curriculum is indicated by a % complete display. However, one important point to note with the percentage completion calculation, is that this is based only on the mandatory items of content in the curriculum. Non-mandatory items do not contribute towards completion, so in a curriculum where only the last item has been setup to be mandatory, the progress indicator would show 0% complete until the final item is complete.
You should normally provide information on what you need learners to do to complete the curriculum in the curriculum description, displayed at the top of the page.
Curriculum scoring
You can associate a pass score with a curriculum. A curriculum score is computed by taking the average of all of the mandatory, contained items of content that log a score. Only mandatory items that log scores count towards the overall curriculum score.
If the curriculum score is greater than or equal to the defined curriculum pass score, the Completed status is changed to Passed. Conversely, if the score is less than the pass score, the Completed status is changed to Failed.
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