Civica Public API URL deprecated (IMPORTANT)
The Civica Learning Public API allows you to integrate with the system programmatically. For example, adding users, updating user profiles, reading user profile information, getting user status information, etc.
The Public API has previously been accessed via the URL, however, this URL has now been updated to be The existing URL ( will be supported until 10th December 2023, after which it will no-longer function. Any customers with integrations that use the API, MUST update these to use the new URL ( by this date, to avoid any interruption in service.
AICC external content pass mark support
Support for AICC content hosted by external providers was recently added to the system. This support has been further enhanced with the ability to define a PASS MARK for the linked AICC content. Where a pass mark is defined for a web link, and the associated AICC course returns a score, the platform will display a status of Passed, where the completed score returned is equal to or greater than the pass mark, or Failed if the score returned is less than the pass mark. This behaviour is consistent with that for an eLearning course, where a pass mark has been defined. Pass marks can be added to any web link, but are only used to derive the web link's status where the link is to an AICC content item.
Last Login Date
The system now supports an internal Last Login Date property, associated with each user's account. This property is automatically updated each time a user logs in to the platform. The update of this property will automatically cause any group management rules defined on the platform to be executed, each time a user logins in. Any groups derived by rules are now automatically updated for users when they login to the platform.
The Last Login Date property is not currently exposed in the Administration portal, however, a future release will make this property visible on each user's profile page and in appropriate reports. Inclusion of this property in the reports will enable more detailed analysis of user activity on the system.
Attempts reset on certification renewal
Administrators can optionally specify a maximum number of attempts for an eLearning course. Where this is configured, and the course is defined as an item that must be completed again as part of a certification renewal process, the number of attempts for the item is now automatically updated to ensure the learner has the required number of attempts per certification renewal.
Administrator web link bulk completions
Global administrators and User administrators can currently set the the completion status for web links, on a per learner basis, from each learner's Content page (Users | {user} | Content).
The system has now been enhanced to allow this to be actioned for multiple users in a single operation, via the Catalogue | {web_link_item} | Users page, Mark complete option. Single or multiple users can be selected using the standard filtering options, prior to selecting the Mark complete option. This feature is available to Global administrators or Content administrators. The Content administrator must have ownership permissions for the web link to perform this action.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes.
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