You can use a CSV file to import a set of Web Links in a single operation.
The CSV file contains columns for each of the catalogue properties that your specific Civica instance has been configured to include. It also includes some system defined columns such as External references. None of the columns are mandatory.
To batch import Web Links
- Log in to your Administration portal.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Catalogue.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import web links. The Import web links dialog box appears as shown here.
- In the Import web links dialog box, click the download the template file link. The template CSV file contains the necessary set of column headings, specific to your Civica instance.
- When the file has downloaded, open the file in Excel, and enter the details for each web link on a new row.
INFO: Excel is the preferred software to edit the CSV file, although other software is available.
- On the File menu, click Save.
- If the Microsoft Excel dialog box appears, asking Do you want to keep using that format?, click Yes.
IMPORTANT: It is very important that you maintain the file format as CSV and do not inadvertently create a native Excel file (.xls or .xlst). To ensure the CSV file supports all possible characters, your file should be encoded as UTF-8 (UTF-8 is a Unicode format which can encode all possible characters).
- Close the CSV file.
- In the Import web links dialog box, either drag-and-drop your CSV file containing the web links onto the dialog box or click Browse to select the file.
INFO: To verify the CSV file contains valid data, select the Verify import file only check box. This will ensure that the input file is validated and an email containing processing errors is sent to you, but no changes are made to the Civica catalogue store. This is a good way to ensure that the file is in the right format and contains valid data, without running the risk of inadvertently creating new web links in the catalogue with invalid data.
- Click Upload. Import processing now starts and you are sent an email which contains a link to view the processing status of the created web links.
- Once the upload is complete, click Close.
- Open the email, click the report link, and then correct any identified issues in the CSV file.
- In the Administration portal, in the ACTIONS section, click Import web links.
- In the Import web links dialog box, click Browse.
- In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the CSV file location, click the file, and then click Open.
- In the Import web links dialog box, click Upload. Import processing now starts and you are sent an email which contains a link to view the processing status of the created web links.
- Once the upload is complete, click Close.
INFO: You cannot use the web Link import to bulk update existing web Links, this feature only allows you to create new web Links.
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