You can use a CSV file to import and/or update a batch of user accounts in a single operation.
The CSV file contains columns for each of the user profile properties that your specific Civica instance has been configured to include. It also includes some system defined columns such as Username, New username, Password and Account state. The Username, First name and Surname columns are mandatory, but in addition, the file can include other columns for additional user information such as Department, Job Role, Region and so on.
To batch import user accounts
- Log in to your Administration portal.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Users.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import users. The Import users dialog box appears as shown here.
- In the Import users dialog box, click the download the template file link. The template CSV file contains the necessary set of column headings, specific to your Civica instance.
- When the file has downloaded, open the file in Excel, and enter the details for each user on a new row.
INFO: Excel is the preferred software to edit the CSV file, although other software is available.
- On the File menu, click Save.
- If the Microsoft Excel dialog box appears, asking Do you want to keep using that format?, click Yes.
IMPORTANT: It is very important that you maintain the file format as CSV and do not inadvertently create a native Excel file (.xls or .xlst). To ensure the CSV file supports all possible characters, your file should be encoded as UTF-8 (UTF-8 is a Unicode format which can encode all possible characters).
- Close the CSV file.
- In the Import users dialog box, either drag-and-drop your CSV file containing the usernames of the users to delete onto the dialog box or click Browse to select the file.
INFO: To verify the CSV file contains valid data, select the Verify import file only check box. This will ensure that the input file is validated and an email containing processing errors is sent to you, but no changes are made to the Civica user store. This is a good way to ensure that the file is in the right format and contains valid data, without running the risk of inadvertently updating user records or creating new ones with invalid data.
- Click Upload. Import processing now starts and you are sent an email which contains a link to view the processing status of individual user records.
- Once the upload is complete, click Close.
- Open the email, click the report link, and then correct any identified issues in the CSV file.
- In the Administration portal, in the ACTIONS section, click Import users.
- In the Import users dialog box, in the text box, enter your email address, and then click Browse.
- In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the CSV file location, click the file, and then click Open.
- In the Import users dialog box, click Upload. Import processing now starts and you are sent an email which contains a link to view the processing status of individual user records.
- Once the upload is complete, click Close.
INFO: The Group column defines a group for the user. To place a user in multiple groups, create multiple columns with the title Group and add one group name for each Group column. You can also automatically specify group membership based on other user properties such as job role, department, or region by using User Rules. For more information on User Rules, see How To: Configure user rules.
INFO: You can use the Account State column to set user accounts as activated or deactivated on import. For example, this enables you to batch import users, and activate them at a later time. Specify a value of active or inactive in the Account State column.
INFO: If you specify a password for a user (note that it must match the required password complexity rules), the user will need to use this password when logging in to the lms. If you do not specify a password when creating a user, the user will be prompted to enter a new password when they access the system (either directly, or via an email verification loop, depending on how your system is configured).
To batch update existing users
- Log in to your Administration portal.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Users.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import users.
- In the Import users dialog box, in the text box, enter your email address, and then click Browse.
- In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the CSV file location, click the file, and then click Open.
- In the Import users dialog box, select the Update existing users check box, and then click Upload.
INFO: If Update existing users is selected, existing accounts are updated with the new values in the CSV file, i.e. the values in the CSV file replace the current values the user has on the system. If a group is omitted in the import file, that a user is a member of, they will be removed from the group. If it is not selected, then rows containing a username that already exists are rejected. Accounts are matched based on their username. If your CSV file includes some new usernames as well as existing usernames, new accounts are created.
INFO: If Update existing users is selected, and a password is specified for a user (in a Password column in the bulk import CSV file), this password (which must match the required password complexity rules), will replace the users existing password. If the Password column in the bulk import CSV file has no entry for a user, any existing password for the user will remain unchanged.
INFO: If Update existing users is selected, and a new username is specified for a user (in a New username column, in the bulk import CSV file), the user's username will be replaced with the updated username. If a user is an "Approver" (you may have this labelled differently), you will also need to update the profile data for each user where the user is listed as the approver (to the new username value). The updated username will not automatically propagate to these related users (we expect propagation to be added in a future release).
WARNING: If you have a Discourse discussion forum, you should not use the New username column to update usernames, as the changes are not propagated to the discussion forum at this time. Where this is used with a discussion forum, users are likely to have a new forum account created on their next visit to the discussion forum, and be permanently locked out of the original forum account. This is not something we are currently able to resolve for you.
INFO: When you are using the Update existing users option, it can optionally be configured to ignore group information in the imported CSV file (see Explained: Settings). Where your lms is configured to import group information, the update option will be labelled Update existing users (group membership will be updated for existing users). Where Civica Learning is configured to ignore group information, the update option will be labelled Update existing users (group membership will not be updated for existing users).
INFO: If you want to perform a batch update of user details, it is useful to export the existing users and then edit this file. For more information on exporting user account details, see How To: Batch export user accounts.
To override mandatory profile data checks on import
- Log in to your Administration portal.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Users.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import users.
- In the Import users dialog box, in the text box, enter your email address, and then click Browse.
- In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the CSV file location, click the file, and then click Open.
- In the Import users dialog box, select the Override mandatory checks (excluding username, first name, surname) check box, and then click Upload.
INFO: When importing profile information for users, by default the system validates the supplied data and ensures that:
- All of the required mandatory profile items are defined (including username, first name and surname).
- All profile items have valid values (e.g emails addresses are of the correct format).
- All mandatory user profile items are defined.
In some circumstances, you may wish to import users with a subset of their profile information, so that this can be added a later time by an administrator, or more commonly by users when they first access the system. In these circumstances, select the Override mandatory checks (excluding username, first name, surname) option.
INFO: You can validate your input file, without actually applying any changes, in the Import users dialog box, select the Verify import file check box when importing your file. With this option selected, you still receive a completion email containing details about each row and whether or not it was processed successfully.
- Explained: Batch user CSV files
- How To: Batch export user accounts
- How To: Batch delete user accounts
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