Many organisations will have have training that they require their users to complete, either as a one off, or on a regular basis in order to be compliant with their business needs. This may be ensuring that statutory training has been completed, or that other training considered mandatory by the organisation has been completed. In some cases the set of training required for compliance will be consistent across the organisation, however often this will vary based on the learners job role. For example, from a health and safety perspective, a warehouse operator may be required to complete manual handling training annually, while this may not be appropriate to a clerical worker.
The Civica Learning lms enables you to track compliance across your team by using certifications, where specific cohorts are identified for which a certification is mandatory.
This article provides an overview of how to configure a certification to be mandatory, and how information related to the certification can then be accessed by learners, team leaders and administrators across the system.
Configuring a certification to be mandatory
Certifications are defined in the Certifications section of the lms (see the Certifications and Compliance section of the Support Desk for Explained and How To articles on configuring certifications).
To define a certification as required for compliance, in the Certifications | {certification} | Properties | Require eligibility panel, select the Require eligibility checkbox, and then select the cohorts for which the certification is mandatory in the MANDATORY field:
You can choose any combination of individual learners, groups or organisational unit nodes, but as with content targeting, we do not recommend using individuals, as this can incur a management overhead in keeping the certification up to date with leavers or joiners.
Viewing certification status as an administrator
In the Administration portal, an administrator can view information for learners on the Certifications | {certification} | Users page. This can be filtered to display only learners for which the certification is mandatory, those for which learners are eligible, or all learners:
The page also displays the eligibility status for each user, along side their certification status (Certified, Started renewal, Expired, etc.).
Administrators can also use the Certification status report to retrieve information relating to certification eligibility. The Certification status report generator page provides an ELIGIBILITY FILTERS option which enables the learners included in the report to be filtered, based on their certification eligibility status.
Available options for the ELIGIBILITY FILTERS are: All users, Mandatory users and Eligible users. The filter is only valid for certifications where Require eligibility has been configured for a certification.
An additional column is included in the report generated, showing the eligibility status for each learner in the report. This allows you to filter the report to, for example, verify that all users have a current certification for a mandatory certification.
Viewing certification status as a learner
Learners can view their certifications on a number of pages in the learner portal.
The learner Dashboard includes a Compliance widget in the Summary section. The widget displays the learners compliance, based on the learners status for each of their mandatory certifications. The image below shows that the learner is 100% compliant, i.e. they have a current certificate, for all of their mandatory certifications.
Learner achievements
The learner Achievements page displays an overview of the learner's compliance status:
Learners see a graphical summary of their certification status, and details for each of their mandatory or eligible certifications.
The graphic is derived from the mandatory certifications for the learner, showing a count and percentage based on the total number of mandatory certifications assigned to the learner. The certification details are displayed for each of the certifications for which the learner is specified as being members of either the mandatory or eligible cohorts, and certificates where the eligibility feature is not enabled, but the learner has been awarded the certificate.
Compliance indicators are shown for each mandatory certification (green - certification is current, amber - certification is due to expire in less than 1 month, or red, where the certification is not current (either never achieved or expired).
Learners are presented with options to Start or Renew a certification, and to Download a previously awarded certificate.
The View history button allows the learner to view their certification history, for the selected certification, as shown in the example below:
Viewing certification status as a team leader
The Team leader dashboard displays a graphical overview of the compliance for their team, and the individual compliance for each of their team members:
A learner is considered to be compliant, if they have current certificates for each of their mandatory certifications. The Compliance dashboard allows team leaders to search for learners, and filter learners based on their compliance status.
When a Team leader selects a member of their team in the Team leader dashboard, they see the detailed information for the selected learner on the Team member details page:
The Certificates tab displays all of the certifications which the learner has previously been awarded, or are either mandatory for the learner, or for which they are eligible. Any certification which is mandatory, contributes towards their compliance level, and has an associated compliance indicator. The compliance indicators are shown for each mandatory certification (green - certification is current, amber - certification is due to expire in less than 1 month, or red, where the certification is not current (either never achieved or expired).
The team leader can select Download to download any of the awarded certifications, or select View history, to see the learner's historic certificates for the certification, as shown in the example below:
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