To configure certification properties
- Log in to your Administration portal, as a Global administrator or an admin with the Certification administrator role.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Certifications.
- On the Results page, click the certification to be configured.
INFO: You can use the Search option to find the certification that you want to configure.
- On the Properties page, in the GENERAL panel, edit the following details:
- NAME. The certification name that will appear on the learners certificate.
- DESCRIPTION. A description of the certification that will be awarded.
- EXTERNAL REFERENCE. The certification external reference. You will need to use this value, when performing bulk enrol or unenrol imports, for the certification.
- Use the awarding item title on the certificate. Check this item to use the title of the awarding item on the certificate, rather than the certification name.
INFO: If an administrator manually awards a certificate for the certification, the certification name will appear on the certificate, since the learner has not completed an associated item to award the certification.
- On the Properties page, in the ELIGIBILITY panel, check the Require eligibility option, to specify that users must be eligible for the certification, to be awarded a certificate, when they complete or pass any of the awarding (or for renewals, renewing) items. If eligibility is enabled, you must then select the learners (or learner cohorts) by selecting the users, groups or organisational units that define the users who are eligible to attain the certification, and the users for which the certification is mandatory. Users who are configured as mandatory are automatically eligible, and there is no requirement to include mandatory users in both the Mandatory and Eligible fields.
INFO: Where a certification is configured to use eligibility, learners must be eligible for the certification to be awarded the certification, when they complete any of the specified awarding items. If they are not eligible, and complete one of the awarding items, they will not be awarded the certification.
INFO: Where a certification is configured to use eligibility, administrators can only manually award the certification to a learner, if the learner is eligible for the certification.
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