To generate an Assessment summary report
- Login to the Civica Learning Administration portal as either a Global administrator or a Reporter.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Reports.
- In the SECTIONS section, click Report generator.
- In the REPORT DEFINITION section, in the drop-down list, click Assessment summary report.
- In the CATALOGUE ITEM panel, click the ellipsis (...) button.
- In the Catalogue items dialog box, select the catalogue items to include in the report, and then click Done.
INFO: In the Catalogue items dialog box, you can filter the displayed items by title, and/or a category and/or the item type.
INFO: You can send a notification to one or more users when the report completes. Then notifications can go to the report owner (you, if you have just created the report) and/or, to users defined on the system (who would normally have a reporter role), and/or to an arbitrary list of users.
- In the REPORT NOTIFICATIONS section, to send a notification on report completion to the report owner, select the Send the report owner an email when the report is complete check box.
- In the REPORT NOTIFICATIONS section, to send a notification on report completion to a defined user on the lms:
- Select the Send other users an email when the report is complete, so they can view the report check box.
- In the USERS panel, click the ellipsis (...) button.
- In the Users dialog box, select the required users, and then click Done.
- In the REPORT NOTIFICATIONS section, to send a notification to one or more arbitrary email addresses:
- Ensure the Send other users an email when the report is complete, so they can view the report check box is selected.
- In the EMAIL ADDRESSES (COMMA DELIMITED) panel, enter the email addresses you would like the report to be emailed to, as a comma separated list.
INFO: When users are specified to receive a notification via an arbitrary email address, they receive an email that contains a time limited link, which they can use to download the report.
- Once all configuration is complete, click Run.
INFO: If you wish to save the report as a template, click Save as template. In the Save as template dialog box, define the template Name and a Description, and then click Save.
To view the generated report
- Login to the Civica Learning Administration portal as either a Global administrator or a Reporter.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Reports.
- In the SECTIONS section, click Active reports.
- On the Active reports page, to view the generated report details, click the report.
- In the Assessment summary report dialog box, to view the report in your browser, click View, or to save the generated report file locally (as a CSV file), click Download.
INFO: You can also click the View, Download or Delete icons directly on the report item in the list of reports.
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