To edit a system level email template
- Log in to your Administration portal, as a Global administrator.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Settings.
- In the SECTIONS section, click Notification templates.
- On the Notification templates page, click the template that you want to edit.
- In the selected template dialog box, you can configure the following options:
- TYPE. Choose the type of notification for which you want to edit the template. Currently this is always set as Email.
- LANGUAGE. Choose the language variant of the template you wish to edit.
- SUBJECT. Update the text that will appear as the subject line in the email sent to the recipient.
- BODY. Update the text that will appear in the body of the email sent to the recipient.
Note that you can add any of the available placeholders to the subject line or body of the email template. To add a placeholder, click the Placeholders drop-down list, and then click the placeholder you wish to add:
The placeholders available will vary with the email template selected, however typical placeholders will include:
- Lms :: Friendly name. The name you define for your lms on the Settings | General page.
- Lms :: Signature. The signature you define as an email template in the Settings | Email templates | Signature email template dialog box. Note that you can delete the lms :: Signature template in any email template, should you wish to use an email template without a signature, or an email template specific signature.
- Recipient :: Approver. The approver for the learner the email will be sent to.
- Recipient :: First name. The recipients first name.
- Recipient :: Surname. The recipients surname.
- Recipient :: Username. The recipients username.
- Recipient :: Email address. The recipients email address.
- Recipient :: Password. The recipients password (note that this is only used on initial account creation when a password is being set by the admin).
- Recipient :: <Property>. Where <Property> is a profile property defined on your lms.
- URL :: Home. The web address (URL) of the learners Web Learner portal Home page.
- URL :: Download. The web address (URL) that the recipient can click to access the file created by the relevant lms operation, for example, an export of user profile information.
- Content :: Score. The score the learner has achieved when they completed an eLearning course.
- Content :: Status. The status the learner has achieved when they completed a content item, for example, Completed, Passed or Failed.
- Content :: Score. The score the learner has achieved when they completed an eLearning course.
- Date :: Started on. The data and time a learner initially opened a content item.
- Date :: Completed on. The data and time a learner completed a content item.
- Date :: Complete by. The date by which the learner must complete the item.
- Content :: Title. The title of the content item the email references.
- Content :: Description. The description of the content item the email references.
- URL :: Content launch. The launch link for the content item the email references. The learner can click the link in the resulting email to directly access the learning item.
- Report :: Tile. The title of the report the email references.
- Learner :: Name. The referenced learners name.
- Learner :: Username. The referenced learners Username.
- Date :: Session starts on. The start date for the session that the email references.
- Time :: Session starts on. The start time for the session that the email references.
- Timezone :: Session starts on. The timezone of the session start time that the email refers to.
- Date :: Session ends on. The end date for the session that the email references.
- Time :: Session ends on. The end time for the session that the email references.
- Timezone :: Session ends on. The timezone of the session end time that the email refers.
- Session :: Location. The Location for the session that the email references.
- Session :: Notes. The Notes for the session that the email references.
- To save your changes to the email template, click Save.
INFO: If you have other languages configured on you lms, repeat this process for each language.
INFO: Once you have saved an email template, it will be identified as a Custom template in the list of email templates.
To reset an email template
To reset an email template, that you have edited, back to the system default:
- Log in to your Administration portal, as a Global administrator.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Settings.
- In the SECTIONS section, click Notification templates.
- On the Notification templates page, click the template that you want to edit.
- In the selected template dialog box, ensure that TYPE is set to Email.
- Optionally (depending on whether your lms has been configured to support multiple languages), select the LANGUAGE for the template that you wish to reset.
- Click the here link (at the bottom of the dialog, as shown below), and then click Save:
INFO: If you have other languages configured on you lms, repeat this process for each language.
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