You can use the Civica Learning administration portal you can unenrol individual users from courses and sessions, but often you may need to unenrol larger numbers of users in one go by using the CSV file based batch unenrolment process.
To prepare for batch enrolment
Before batch unenrolling users from content or sessions, you must ensure that the associated user accounts already exist, and that any content or sessions referenced by the batch unenrolment CSV file have been defined with an external reference. The external reference is used to match an item of content referenced by the unenrolment CSV file with an item of content or session in the catalogue. You can set the external reference for a content item or session via the external reference field on the item's properties page within the catalogue.
Once you have ensured that the relevant user accounts already exist and that any content referenced by the unenrolment file has an associated external reference defined, you need to prepare a batch unenrolment CSV file. Civica Learning provides a template and a sample which you can access from the Import unenrolments dialog box.
To download a template or example CSV file and to complete the batch unenrolment CSV file
- Log in to your Administration portal, as either a Global administrator or Content administrator.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Catalogue.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import unenrolments.
- In the Import unenrolments dialog box, click the appropriate here link as follows:
- For a template file, click the first link.
- For an example file, click the second link.
- Complete the CSV file with the required data for the users you wish to unenrol. The columns in the CSV file that you need to fill are as follows:
- Username. The user's unique username. A user account with this username must already exist.
- Activity external reference. Used to identify the content item or session from which the user is to be unenrolled. You must ensure that this external reference value is defined on the properties page for a content item or session in the catalogue.
- Send unenrolment email. A Yes or No to determine whether or not to send an unenrolment email to this user, irrespective of their current enrolment status.
To batch unenrol users
- Log in to your Administration portal, as either a Global administrator or Content administrator.
- On the NAVIGATION pane, click Catalogue.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Import unenrolments.
- In the Import unenrolments dialog box, click Browse and then locate the previously prepared CSV file containing the user unenrolment data. Alternatively you can drag-and-drop this file over the top of the dialog box.
- The first time you perform the import using a newly prepared CSV file, ensure Verify import file only is selected. This ensures that the lms processes the import file but does not perform any actual unenrolments and does not send any unenrolment emails to users.
- In the Import unenrolments dialog box, click Upload.
- When processing is complete, you will receive an email containing a link to the same CSV file but with an added column to indicate the success or otherwise of each row in the file.
- Click the link in the email, view the results file, make any necessary updates to fix any errors that were highlighted, and repeat the import process.
Some common errors that you might encounter include these:
- Username not recognised. Your import CSV file contains a username for which no existing user account exists. You must ensure that your user accounts are defined before performing any unenrolments.
- Activity external reference not recognised. Your CSV file contains an activity external reference that is not defined in your catalogue. You must set the external reference for any item of content that is the target of unenrolment on the content item's properties page in the Catalogue area of the administration portal.
INFO: When importing unenrolments for sessions that have already occured, or for a course the learner has already completed, the learner's completion status for the item will not be updated by the unenrol operation. The session will still show as attended and the course will still show as completed in the reports.
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