The Settings page is only available to users with a Global administrator role, and allows them to configure the settings and high-level behaviours of the lms. The following sections are available:
Catalogue extensions (if enabled)
Notification templates
The General section allows you to update the FRIENDLY NAME of your lms. This can be anything you choose, and will appear in the standard emails sent by the system.
After making any changes to the lms Friendly name, you must click Save for the new value to become active.
The Users section allows you to configure various users account related settings.
Note that the profile data that learners need to enter when creating an account will vary depending on how your lms has been configured during system implementation.
When a new user clicks Create an account, an email is sent to their specified email address. The email includes a verification link that they must click to verify that they own the email address specified. Once the link has been clicked, and their account verified, the learner can login to the lms.
Allow users to edit their profile data. Select this option if you want your learners to be able to edit their profile data in the Learner Portal. Note that if your lms is configured to synchronise profile data via a bulk import or another integration option, any edits made by your learners may be overwritten the next time the profile data is synchronised.
Allow users to edit their avatar. Select this option if you want your learners to be able to edit their avatar in the Learner Portal.
Require an email address. Select this option if, you wish to force all user account to have an email address. This applies to users created by using the self-registration feature, and users created by an administrator by using the Administration Portal. Civica recommends that all users have an email address for an optimal user experience.
Accepted email domains (separate multiple domains with a comma). By default, accounts can have any valid email address associated with them. Often you will want to restrict the valid email addresses to those associated with your organisation. This prevents a) users from changing their email address to a personal address (which for example could be used to gain access to the system after termination) and b) users from accessing the system by using self registration if they do not have an appropriate email address. The Accepted email domains (separate multiple domains with a comma) option enables you to apply this restriction by specifying one or more email domains that the accounts can use. For example, to limit those who can register to everyone with a Civica email domain, in the Accepted email domains (separate multiple domains with a comma) box, you would enter Where you wish to support multiple email domains, these can be entered as a comma separated list, for example,,
After making any changes to the settings on this page, you must click Save for the new settings to become active.
Catalogue extensions
The Catalogue extension section allows you to configure additional metadata, that can then be associated with content items.
NOTE: This section is only available if extension properties are enable for your system. Please contact your account manager, if you would like to use extension properties.
Any extension property metadata that is configured for content items, will be surfaced in reports and can optionally be displayed to learners in the learner portal.
The Notifications section allows you to configure email options for your lms.
FROM EMAIL ADDRESS. The From email address is configured at system implementation time, and is the address users will see as the source of all emails sent by the system. By default this is set to "Civica Learning <>", but you can choose your own From email address. Please contact Civica Learning Support, if you would like to use a custom From email address.
BLIND COPY ALL EMAILS TO. Enter one or more email addresses, separated by commas, that all emails sent by the lms should be blind copied to. This feature supports a couple of commonly requested scenarios including:
A company can set up a mailbox to act as a log of all outgoing lms emails; for audit purposes.
A company can send all emails to a specified training administrator or administrative clerk for monitoring purposes.
Enable emails. Check this option if you want your lms to be able to send emails. When unchecked, no emails will be sent from the lms, even if an operation is performed that would normally send an email (e.g. importing users). Disabling emails can be useful when initially configuring or testing an lms and you want to ensure no notifications are sent, for example, when setting up enrolments to match those on a legacy system.
After making any changes to any notifications settings, you must click Save for the new settings to become active.
Notification templates
The Notification templates section allows you to configure the standard notifications that the lms can send.
The Security page allows you to configure security related options for your lms.
USERNAME AND PASSWORD LOGIN. This section displays whether Forms authentication is configured for your lms. You can also use the MAXIMUM PASSWORD ATTEMPTS field to specify the number of failed password attempts that learners can make when trying to login.
SINGLE SIGN-ON (SSO) LOGIN. This section displays whether SSO authentication is configured for your lms.
TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. Two factor authentication provides an additional layer of protection for learner or administrator accounts.
Requiring two-factor authentication can be enabled independently for the Learner and/or the Adminstration portal. Select either Enabled or Disabled for the relevant portal. Note that disabled is selected by default.
With two factor authentication enabled, when you log into the Learner or Administration portals, after providing a username and password, you will be asked for a verification code. The code is delivered to your mobile device either via SMS message, using a two-factor authentication application such as Google authenticator, or via an email. This additional step ensures that a malicious person who has discovered your password will not be able to log into your Civica Learning Administration Portal as you.
You can choose which authentication methods are available to your learners by checking the required checkboxes:
SMS messages
Authenticator app
NOTE: There may be a charge if you choose SMS messages as a supported two factor authentication method. Please contact your Account Manager for details.
After making any changes to any security settings, you must click Save for the new settings to become active.
The Advanced section allows you to configure various advanced settings for your lms.
FILE SIZE LIMIT (MB). This view only field, displays the maximum file size for items uploaded to the Catalogue. Please contact Civica Learning Support if you would like to update the maximum allowed upload file size for your lms; however please note that this cannot be increased above 512mb.
DEFAULT TIN CAN AGENT STYLE. Specify the default version for xAPI courses that are uploaded to the lms. Note that this is only a default, and you can override this specification on a per course basis.
CONTENT PROMOTION. The lms can optionally promote items that a learner has enrolled onto, into their My Learning channel. The available options to control this are as follows:
Never promote enrolled items to 'MyLearning'. When a learner enrols on an item in the Catalogue, the item is not promoted to their My Learning channel.
Promote all items to 'My Learning' if the user is enrolled on them. When a learner enrols on an item in the Catalogue, the item automatically becomes available in the learners My Learning channel, i.e. it becomes part of their development pathway.
Promote directly targeted items to 'My Learning' if the user is enrolled on them. When a learner enrols on an item in the Catalogue, the item automatically becomes available in the learner's My Learning channel, i.e. it becomes part of their development pathway. Only items that are directly targeted at the user are promoted to be in My Learning. For example, an item that requires enrolment , that sits within a curriculum, and can only be accessed via the curriculum, would not be promoted to My Learning, when this option is selected.
CONTENT LINK LAUNCH MODE. Administrators can provide learner portal content launch links to learners (see: How To: View a learner portal launch link). Where these are provided to learners, their behaviour is controled by this setting. The options are as follows:
Links to content open the content directly. When selected, a user navigating to a content item using a learner view link, will be taken directly to the content item. For example, for a PDF content item, the PDF will be opened so that the learner can view the item.
Links to content open the landing page for the content. When selected, a user navigating to a content item using a learner view link, will be taken to the landing page for the item.
Ignore group changes when updating users via user import (user rules will still be actioned). Select this option if you do not wish group information to be imported (for users being updated) when a bulk user import is performed (either via the Administration portal or via automated batch user import). When selected, any groups, associated with an existing user, in the import file are ignored, and any groups that exist on the lms remain unchanged, unless a user rule has been specified. Where user rules are specified, these run as normal to modify group membership based on the values of profile fields. Groups associated with new users are applied to the new user regardless of the setting of this configuration option.
Create group managementrules. Select this option to enable the rules specified on the Groups | Manage rules page to automatically add and remove users from managed groups.
LICENSED USERS. This view only field, displays your licensed user count.
Enable user profile dialog. Enables the user profile dialog. This provides administrators with a view of the full user profile information from various user lists, such as the content item enrolment page. Enabling this option extends the set of profile fields visible to delegated administrators in various circumstances; you should consider the data protection implications before enabling this feature.
Prevent content administrators from viewing user lists. Select this option to prevent Content administrators from viewing user details. Where this option is enabled, all users will appear as hidden items (in the same way as an out of scope user, group or OU). The content administrator is still be able to manage targeting based on groups or OUs in the usual way, however the Users tab is removed from the content targeting Users dialog. In addition, Content administrators are not able to view users on content item User pages.The default for this option is un-selected.
Prevent content administrators from managing items they do not own. Select this option, to limit Content administrators, such that they only see content items in the Catalogue for which they are named as an owner (or are included in a group that owns the item). The default for this option is un-selected.
Prevent content administrators from seeing categories not associated with content they own. Select this option if you want content administrators to only see categories associated with content they have ownership rights over.
Prevent user administrators from importing users. Select this option, to prevent User administrators from bulk importing users. The default for this option is un-selected.
Allow user administrators to export users. Select this option, to allow User administrators to export users within their scope. The default for this option is un-selected.
Allow user administrators to change usernames. Select this option, to allow User administrators to change the usernames for users within their scope. The default for this option is un-selected.
Allow user administrators to modify user activation status. Select this option, to allow User administrators to deactivate or reactivate users. The default for this option is un-selected.
Allow Global Administrator role assignment. Select this option, to allow Global administrators to assign the Global administrator role to other users. The default for this option is selected. Please contact the support team if you would like to apply this limitation.
MY LEARNING DEFAULT STATUS FILTER. By default, the status filter in the Learner Portal My Learning channel is set to show items with All statuses. This results in all content items being displayed with any status, for example Completed, In progress or Not started. However, this option allows you to configure the default filter to only show incomplete items, thereby focusing learners on what they need to complete. The available option are:
All statuses. The default filter is set to All Statuses in the My Learning channel. Content items with any status value are displayed when a learner visits the My Learning channel.
Not completed. The default filter is set to Not completed in the My Learning channel. Content items that learners have completed (Completed or Passed statuses, but not Failed) are hidden from users.
NOTE: This setting only affects the default filter setting. Learners can chooses any other available status filter values, such as Completed, if they wanted to see what items they have already completed.
Events can be configured to require an administrator to add enrolment notes, when enrolling a learner onto a session. Information added as an enrolment note provides additional details for the enrolment. For example, an administrator may wish to document whether the learners attendance on a session is included within their service plan, or training their organisation needs to be charged for. Information added as an enrolment reason is included in the Event session status report and the Event session activity report. By default, enrolment reasons are added as free text, unless predefined enrolment reasons are enabled.
Require an administrator to select an enrolment reason from predefined list. When selected, administrators are required to choose one of the predefined enrolment reasons, for an event that is configure to require enrolment reasons to be added.
Manage enrolment reasons. Select this option to specify the enrolment reason choices that can be selected when an administrator enrols a learner on a session. When selected, the Manage session enrolment reasons dialog is displayed:
Add reason. Select this option to define a new enrolment reason
Allow admins to override the session organiser when creating sessions. By default, the administrator creating a session is set as the host for the webinar, when the webinar is setup in Teams or Zoom. Select this option, if you would like administrators to be able to specify other users, as the hosts for the Teams or Zoom webinars.
REPORTER CONTENT VISIBILITY MODE. This option allows you to control which content items are visible to users with a Reporter role. The available options are:
Reporters can only report over content targeted to groups their role is over. Select this option if you want your reporters to only see content items that are specifically targeted at the same groups or OUs that have been used to define the reporters role. This option is the default.
Reporters can report over all content. Select this option if you want your reporters to be able to see all content items defined on the lms, irrespective of the scope of their reporter role.
REPORTER CERTIFICATION VISIBILITY MODE. This option allows you to control which certifications are visible to users with a Reporter role. The available options are:
Reporters can not report over certifications. Select this option if you do not want your reporters to report on certifications.
Reporters can report over all certifications. Select this option if you want your reporters to be able to report on certifications. This option is the default.
STATUS EXPORT LAST RUN ON. This view only field, displays the date and time at which the latest status export file was generated from your lms (where your lms is configured to export status information).
STATUS EXPORT FTP PATH. This view only field, displays the path to the export file that is generated by automated status export process.
STATUS EXPORT PROFILE FIELDS. Optionally, you can choose to add additional profile information to your status export file. To choose which additional profile fields to include in your export, click the elipsis in STATUS EXPORT PROFILE FIELDS and select the required profile items. The additional profile items selected will be included in the next export file that is generated.
API options:
API KEY. This view only field displays your API KEY, which is used as your password when accessing the system using the API
After making any changes to any advanced settings, you must click Save for the new settings to become active.
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