Civica Learning supports the notion of enrolment, but it does not mandate its use to control access to content within the catalogue. While enrolment is optional for content such as courses, curricula and files contained in the Civica catalogue, it is mandatory for sessions.
In addition to controlling the session booking process, enrolment is often needed to control access to courses and curriculum. It is used much less frequently with other types of content such as documents, videos, podcasts and other forms of standalone content. Rather than using enrolment to control access to this type of content, you can use targeting. Targeting determines which users can see what content. For more information on targeting, see Explained: Content targeting.
When to use enrolment
You should use enrolment:
- When you need gated access to content (through an approval process).
- When you need to define user specific attributes such as:
- Completion dates.
- Availability windows.
- Restricted launch counts.
- When you need to send out enrolment emails, for example, to notify users that a new course is available that you want them to complete.
The twin concepts of enrolment and targeting are shown in the following diagram.
There are a number of key points to note from the above diagram:
- Targeting determines who can see what content. All content must be targeted irrespective of whether or not it's configured to require enrolment.
- An enrolment record for a given user can include an enrolment date, a must complete by date, and a launch count.
- An enrolment email can be sent to a user when they enrol onto a piece of content.
- Session enrolment confirmation emails are always sent when a user completes their enrolment onto a session.
You can use the enrolment date to drive scheduling. For example, you can set a completion date and use this to drive reminder emails based on a fixed period after enrolment. For example, you might want to allow people one month in which to complete a course.
A given enrolment record can also carry a launch count, and you can if required, use the launch count to restrict the number of times a given user can launch a piece of content.
Approving enrolments
You can introduce an approval workflow before a user's request to enrol onto a session or course or content item is completed.
An administrator can nominate a specific individual to be the approver for enrolments onto events or specific courses or content items, or the approver can be determined from the learner's user profile record. This latter approach requires that the user profile record includes an Approver field, which identifies the approver for the user.
For more information on approvals, see Explained: Approvals and the approval process.
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