When you first login to the Civica Learning Administration portal, you will be presented with the Home page, an example of which is shown below:
The information displayed and the menu options available, depend on your administration permissions. A Global administrator will see all of the information displayed above. However, an admin with only a Reporter role, would only see Reports and Help in the NAVIGATION panel and their ACCOUNT options. Similarly, an admin with Content administrator role would only see Catalogue and Help in the NAVIGATION panel and their ACCOUNT options. Admins with a combination of roles see all of the appropriate menu options, to be able to access the sections of the site that are applicable to their role(s).
Admin panel
In the Admin panel, there are two regions - Navigation and Account - all the menu options in these regions are available on every page in the lms. the menu options are as follows:
- Home. Select to return to the Home page.
- Catalogue. Select to manage your catalogue.
- Categories. Select to manage your categories.
- Reports. Select to manage your reports.
- Users. Select to manage your users.
- Groups. Select to manage your groups.
- Certifications. Select to manage your certifications.
- Skills. Select to manage your skills frameworks.
- Comments . Select to view comment that have been added to content items.
- Notifications. Select to manage your notifications.
- Settings. Select to manage the main configuration/settings for your lms.
- Service updates. Select to view the service status information on the Help Desk.
- Help. Select to view the Civica Help Desk.
- <User>. Select to view your profile.
- Learner view. Select to open the Web Learner portal.
- Logout. Select to end the current current session in the Civica Learning Administration portal.
Home panel
In the Home panel, which is only available for Global administrators, contains three regions - Information, User Summary and Catalogue Summary - each of which displays key information for your lms.
The two items may be displayed here depending on the configuration of your lms:
- The number of curricula that exist on the lms that do not have any content
User Summary
This displays the number of:
- Activated users.
- Deactivated users.
- Licensed users (where your system has an activated user count defined).
- Available licenses. This shows Licensed users less the Activated users.
- Total. The total number of users that are registered on the system.
Catalogue Summary
This displays the number of Files, Courses, Web links, Events, Curricula and Tasks that have been uploaded or defined on the lms.
In the Dashboard panel, which is only available for Global administrators, there are four regions - Logins, Content Access, Enrolments and Completion Activity - each of which displays a graphical overview of the level of activity on your lms over the last two weeks.
The information is indicative of activity on your lms. For specific information on which users have accessed which content, you should use the lms reporting functions.
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