Note: This article includes information for the soon to be released CC and BCC email template functionality.
Civica Learning sends emails to both admins and learners in various circumstances. For example, confirmation emails are sent when a user registers interest in an event, or enrols on a specific session of an event.
The emails sent by the system are based on pre-defined templates, which are supplied as defaults with the initial lms implementation. Global administrators can customise these system level default templates, to match their requirements.
In addition, global administrators and content administrators can override the system-level email templates at the content item level. Customising the content item level templates, will for example, allow you to create content specific completion or enrolment emails per content item.
Both system level and item level email templates, provide support for Global administrators to configure a template to automatically CC or BCC emails to other users on the system.
System-level templates
The system-level defaults can be viewed in the Administration portal on the Settings | Notification templates page.
The page displays the following information per template:
- TEMPLATE. The template name and description
- ITEM OVERRIDES. The number of times the template has been overridden with content item specific template definitions.
- STATUS. Whether the template uses the system default template definition or has been overridden by an admin. Where an email template uses the default system level email template, it is displayed with a STATUS of Default. Where the email template has been customised, it is displayed with a STATUS of Custom.
- Edit Config (). The Edit config button.
Editing the config for a template
The Edit Config () button allows admins to configure whether the system should send the associated notification, and whether the template should be CC'd or BCC'd to other users on the system.
Each notification can be either Enabled (will be sent) or Disabled (will not be sent).
Global administrator can specify who will receive CC's or BCC's of emails generated using the template. The Global administrator can specify:
- Specific users selected individually (one or more)
- Users identified by profile properties associated with the learner, for example: Line Manager, Team Leader, etc., dependent on your platform configuration.
Customising a template
Global administrators can customise the email templates, using the template editing feature.
To edit an email template, click the template you wish to edit. For example, the Content - Complete email template (which is used when an email is sent to learners when they complete an item, where the item has been configured to send a completion email) shown below:
You can change the template wording, formatting, and use placeholders (such as the content items title), which are replaced with user or context specific values when an email is sent.
Each email template has a set of placeholders, that are appropriate for the template that you are editing. The placeholders include standard items, such as the user profile properties defined on the system and your defined email signature.
The lms signature is itself a template (that Global administrators can update), and is included by default in all other email templates. If required, you can remove or replace the lms Signature placeholder on a per email template basis.
Once a template has been customised, it is used for any new emails that are sent from the lms (unless the template has been overridden on a content item). However, you can reset the template back to its default format, should you wish to discard any previous edits.
Content item level templates
The page displays email templates that are relevant for the selected content item. If required, administrators, can customise the email templates, using the template editing feature.
The content level defaults can be viewed in the Administration portal on the Catalogue| {Content item} | Notification templates page.
The page displays the following information per template:
- TEMPLATE. The template name and description
- STATUS. Whether the template uses the system default template definition or the item template definition. Where an email template uses the default system level email template, it is displayed with a STATUS of System. Where the email template has been customised at the item level, it is displayed with a STATUS of Item.
- Edit Config (). The Edit config button.
Editing the config for a template
The Edit Config () button allows admins to configure whether the system should send the associated notification.
The available options are:
- Sending enabled (inherited from system level). This notification is enabled based on the system level setting.
- Sending disabled (inherited from system level). This notification is disabled based on the system level setting.
- Sending enabled (configured at the item level). This notification is enabled at the item level.
- Sending disabled (configured at the item level). This notification is disabled at the item level.
Global administrator can specify who will receive CC's or BCC's of emails generated using the template. The Global administrator can specify:
- Specific users selected individually (one or more)
- Users identified by profile properties associated with the learner, for example: Line Manager, Team Leader, etc., dependent on your platform configuration.
Content administrators can see that a template is configured to be CC'd or BCC'd (as shown in the example above), but they cannot change the CC or BCC configuration.
Customising a template
To edit an email template, click the template you wish to edit. For example, the Content - Complete email template (which is used when an email is sent to learners when they complete an item, where the item has been configured to send a completion email) shown below:
You can change the template wording, formatting, and use placeholders (such as the content items title), which are replaced with user or context specific values when an email is sent.
Each email template has a set of placeholders, that are appropriate for the template that you are editing. The placeholders include standard items, such as the user profile properties defined on the system and your defined email signature.
Once a template has been customised, it is used when any emails using this template are sent from the lms for this item. However, you can reset the template back to its original format, should you wish to discard any previous edits.
- How To: Edit system level email templates
- How To: Edit content item level email templates
- How To: Configure your system's email signature
- How To: Configure your email server to accept Civica emails
- How To: View emails sent by the lms
- How To: Resend emails
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